Thursday, July 31, 2008

Yea!! He's finally here!!!!

Welcome to the family!

Alex Carter Smiley, born July 30, 2008 at around 9:20pm. He's 8 lbs 3 oz and approx 20.5 in. (Beth told me exact stuff but I didn't write it down).

Big Brother Max was showing us how it's done

Yea! I love babies!!
Brian being forced beyond his will to touch a baby. Apparently these things are contagious or something. Or Alex might poop on him.

In case anyone is wondering, the inspiration for Alex's middle name came from here. My sister met Brian's brother and his family at our wedding and decided they liked the name of their youngest. I guess by the time you get to your 3rd boy it gets harder to come up with stuff so you look to others who did a good job. :)

This is Beth and Brad the Friday before the baby was born. It was Beth's birthday on Saturday so we all met up for dinner at the Cracker Barrel. Grant and Max were loving the rocking chairs.
And to the reason I couldn't spend time with my sister on her actual birthday:

Brian with our good friends Josh and Chrissy
And... we just found out that Chrissy is pregnant!! She's about 4 weeks right now meaning she took her pregnancy test a day or so before going to beer fest. So this is Baby's 1st Beer Fest. Do you think they make scrapbooking stuff for that? Chrissy drank more water than anyone else there that day. And playing the pregnancy card got her free bottled water and a trip to the nice air conditioned clean potties inside the Hilton instead of having to use the hot nasty porta-potties. and Chrissy had the sheer joy of driving us around all evening. yea!

I'll hopefully have more pictures in the next week- Beth is going home tomorrow and I don't work again for a week. Plus!! I talked to the wedding photographer today and he said hopefully by Monday. I knew it was going to be a couple of months to get pictures back but I'm quite anxious to see how great they turned out. So I'm hoping to be posting some fancy wedding pictures soon.


Anonymous said...

HA!!! You seriously had me laughing out loud. You are funny, scrapbooking stuff. Hum, I wonder about that one.

Alex is adorable!!! How cool they used Carter for his middle name. Your family's are definitely mingled now!

Brian looks like a natural (note to self: don't let him hold our baby).

Girly girl said...

That is a great name!!