Saturday, March 14, 2009

10 Pounds!

I suppose you can call it a New Years resolution.  Since January 13th, I've been actively working to lose weight.  Today I've dropped 10 lbs since December 29th.   I'm quite excited since this was my first tangible goal.  

What are my goals?  Well I'm taking this in 10 lbs increments.  So my most recent goal is now 228 lbs.  Next I would love to be no longer in the "obese" category of Body Mass Index (BMI).  For a 6 foot tall person, dropping below 221 lbs the BMI category changes from obese to overweight.  I'm really shocked I'm considered obese.  That's the highest weight category.  I would think there'd be something higher, maybe fluffy or even just $@&#$.  I'm currently in the same category as some guy who can't even leave his bed because he's too fat.  Far off goals would include sub-200 lbs, and leaving overweight category of BMI and reaching normal (184lbs).  Those are so far off, I can't even image myself those weights.  I really don't have a timeline, other than steady improvement.  

How am I losing weight?  Well starting with Jan 13th, I've been exercising.  Each data point on the above chart corresponds to a day I worked out.  Back in January,  we dug out an old exercise equipment Anna owned, called Tony Little's Gazelle Edge.  I don't really recommend it.  I has nearly zero resistance.  In order to sustain a good workout I had to combine it with a heart rate monitor and 5lbs leg weights.  It took me 15 minutes just to reach my target heart rate and it was really easy for it to drop out of my target range.   However, I still worked at it and would do two 30 minutes sessions.  What I really liked about it was I could entertain myself with the TV and their was no impact on my shins.  At the end of the workout I was quite happy of not needing to ice my shins with bags of frozen peas.  At the beginning of February we upgraded to a real piece of exercise equipment, an elliptical,  Sole E25.  Yes it put a dent in our savings, and yes it takes up quite a bit of valuable space in our living room, but losing weight is really important to us.  We vow not to let it collect dust like most exercise equipments you see in people's homes.  Again I work out in two 30 minute sessions.  I usually have it on the heart rate setting, the Sole E25 has its own heart rate monitor that allows the elliptical to dynamically adjust resistance to keep you near your preset target heart rate.  I'll take a 5-10 minute break between the 30 minute sessions.  We monitor our progress using the Nintendo Wii Fit.  

  Anna said to tell you that she's extremely proud of me.  I'm proud of her also.  She is also working out with goals of weight loss.  Unfortunately, its much more difficult for her. The biggest issue she is working against is her work schedule.  While I'm able to work out in the evenings after work, she cannot.  When you work a 12 hour shift all you have time for outside of work is maybe a meal and sleep.  It unreasonable to think she would have enough energy (she doesn't) and sacrifice valuable sleep to exercise on days she works.  Anna is working on days she has off, but progress is much slower than me.  Regardless of all this, she keeps putting in a good 60 minutes on days she has off.  I do think we'll see progress, and I'm extremely proud she's keeps working at it.


Anonymous said...

Congrats on reaching your first goal Brian, that is awesome!!! Good luck in the next phase, you can do it!

Congrats Anna for sticking with working out. Your schedule does make it difficult, but it's awesome you are committed to finding the time when possible.

Josh and I are cheering you both on. If you need tough love give me a call, I'm permanently grouchy right now. If you need positive encouragement, then Josh is the one to call, he's good at that.

Scuba Steve said...

It's been 2 weeks, where is the update?